IT Services principles
- Baze’s ICT Resources exist and are maintained to support only the work of the organization
- Baze reserves the right to monitor the use of its ICT Resources and to deal appropriately with Users who use its ICT Resources in ways contrary to the conditions of use set out in the usage policy
- Materials produced using the University’s ICT Resources are to be generated subject to the relevant University policies
- Baze accepts no responsibility for loss or damage, consequential loss or damage, or loss of data arising from the use of its ICT Resources or the maintenance of its ICT Resources
Safety Tips
- To protect yourself and equipment, never tamper with or remove any power cords or cables (including mouse and keyboard)
- To safeguard yourself and equipment, never attempt to restart or reset equipment without permission
- To protect yourself and equipment, never insert a foreign object into a disk drive or any other part of the computer
- Remember to safely eject your drives and remove them from the devices, Baze is not liable for any lost
- Never hit a machine, smash a mouse, or abuse any auxiliary devices
- Never illegally remove any devices from its actual location to other location
- Never tamper with or attempt to disrupt a computer’s operating system
- Never attempt to use someone else’s password to access services
- Never give out your personal information and related login details to someone
- Avoid blocking air vents to prevent overheating
Conditions of Use
- The University will not tolerate its ICT Resources being used in a manner that is harassing, discriminatory, abusive, rude, insulting, threatening, obscene or otherwise inappropriate.
- It is illegal to use any ICT Resource to harass, menace, defame, libel, vilify, or discriminate against any other person within or beyond the University.
- Users must not use the University’s ICT Resources to collect, use or disclose personal information in ways that breach the University’s Privacy Policy.
Unacceptable use
- Illegal and unlawful activity
- Unauthorised use of services and facilities
- Breach of copyright
- Compromising security
- Causing disruption and mischief
- Negatively affecting the reputation of the University
- Activities likely to draw people into terrorism or extremist ideologies
- Misuse of electronic messaging and social media
- Carrying out unauthorised personal legal and business transactions
Possible consequences of unacceptable use
- Withdrawal of University ICT facilities/services
- Blocking or limiting network account access
- Disconnection and seizure of equipment that is in violation of the acceptable usage policy
- Initiation of relevant disciplinary procedure for staff or student
- Where there is evidence of a criminal offence, the matter will be reported to the police, EFCC or any other law enforcement agency.